More than 2 dozen female students at John O’Connell High School in San Francisco have come forward to accuse former PE teacher and soccer coach Bob Gamino of inappropriate sexual behavior.
Free Confidential Lawsuit Evaluation: If you were molested, abused or harassed by Bob Gamino or anyone else, you should contact our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to compensation by filing a suit and our lawyers can help.
What’s the Problem?
August 30, 2017 – In addition to the accusations being leveled against Gamino, court documents indicate that officials at the high school were aware of the alleged crimes for years, but did nothing about it.
Gamino was a veteran teacher and coach at San Francisco public schools for more than 2 decades, as well as father figure to many of his students, according to CBS San Francisco.
The charges were raised in May by Alysha Stone, former captain of the O’Connell High girls soccer team, who claims Gamino harassed her both verbally and physically over the course of the school year.
Things went from “‘Oh, you look beautiful today,’” or “‘Oh, you have a great body,’” at the beginning of the year to Gamino grabbing Stone “right under my breast on top of my ribcage” by fall semester, she claims.
Another student, who asked to remain anonymous, claims that Gamino “passed me and grabbed my butt and then just walked away. I thought it was an accident. Then it sunk in that it wasn’t.”
After the girls came forward with the accusations, the school district put Gamino on administrative leave and launched an internal investigation.
Documents indicate that at least 30 girls have come forward to date accusing Gamino of verbally or physically assaulting them over the course of the school year.
Do I Have a Sexual Abuse Class Action Lawsuit?
The Class Action Litigation Group at our law firm is an experienced team of trial lawyers that focus on the representation of plaintiffs in sexual abuse lawsuits. We are handling individual litigation nationwide and currently accepting new molestation and harassment cases in all 50 states.
Free Case Evaluation: Again, if you were the victim of sexual abuse, you should contact our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to a settlement by filing a suit and we can help.